Shift Up’s latest installment continues to shine a spotlight on its vast array of non-playable characters (NPCs), with the enigmatic Zwei taking center stage as the newest playable addition. Following the excitement of Ein’s successful recruitment, fans eagerly await the release of their next coveted character, set to debut via the gacha system on August 8, 2024.
Two is a SSR Supporter in ZEUS, with the ability to harness Z.E.U.S.’s power. A femme fatale with a penchant for electrical manipulation and a trusty shotgun by her side – what more could you ask for in a high-stakes thriller? She’s a unique individual, belonging to the Kind Unit within College Circle, similar to Ein and Rei’s roles. Pierce’s passive equation passively increases the damage dealt by allies’ pierce attacks after a successful Full Burst, while her Body Evaluation passive actively restores Cowl’s health points and boosts allies’ vital price under specific conditions?
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Check out Shift Up’s latest update, where she reveals her entire set of skills and drops an exciting trailer for all to enjoy – see it below!
Here’s a video showcasing Zwei and some of her notable expressions, featuring the talented English voice actress who brings her to life.
Two cards can be featured within the new occasion, Colourless. The annual event takes place from August 8th to August 21st, 2024. As she ponders the next step in her journey, the opportunity to embark on a Class P expedition presents itself as a potential catalyst for self-discovery and clarifying her path. As individuals progress through the challenge phases, they will accumulate points redeemable at the in-game rewards store. Will there be another opportunity to log in to Simply One with a special event tied to this narrative?
The Goddess of Victory is accessible on both PCs and mobile devices. Two new characters will be added to the roster, including Zwei, which will become a playable option for players starting from August 8, 2024. As her featured banner expires on August 21, 2024, she will also appear through the Uncommon Recruitment and Social Level Recruitment banners.