Hoyoverse has commenced its teasers for the upcoming 1.2 update, introducing Caesar King, a fresh Agent to join the fray. A prospective member of the Sons of Calydon seeks to wield the power of physical violence as a Protection-type character.
HoyVerse initially unveiled her on social media, accompanied by feedback from various characters and official artwork. The initial depiction portrays her holding a shield with precision. Billy affectionately referred to her as “big sister,” betraying their close relationship and ease around each other. Luciana, a renowned figure within her own faction, is often described as being “as straightforward as a crisp head of lettuce.” As the epitome of her organization’s values and ideals, she stands out as a shining example of dedication and excellence.
The objective of the anti-advertising campaign focused on a video brief featuring a distinctive English voiceover pattern.
The two sons of Calydon, Zethon and Thoon, had already made appearances prior to the dramatic reveal of their father’s true identity as the mighty Caesar King. Meet Luciana de Montefiore and Piper Wheel, These four exceptional models stand out as unapologetically top-tier performers. Lucy is a helpful character who provides fireplace harm. Piper, a Bodily Harm-capable agent with the rare distinction of being an Anomaly Type operative.
The highly anticipated update, version 1.1, is set to hit the market on August 14, 2024, offering a seamless gaming experience across PS5, PC, and mobile devices. The team behind the 1.2 update has announced that there will be no specific launch window, allowing them to focus on ensuring a high-quality release without any artificial deadlines. In other words, Caesar King is simply going to happen when it’s ready.