This month, Valve announced the potential launch of a new limited-edition Steam Deck OLED variant. The $679 handheld device boasts identical hardware and specifications to its 1TB clear model from last year, but with a sleek matte-white finish. The game is currently available for preorder on Valve’s platform, offering a definitive version.
Purchases of the brand-new Steam Deck are limited to one per Steam account; a restriction aimed at thwarting potential attempts to buy multiple consoles using spoof accounts. Additionally, buyers must demonstrate a legitimate Steam purchase history prior to November 2024 on their account in order to make a purchase. While specific regions may have limitations in place, inventory can still be allocated efficiently across all designated Steam Deck shipping zones.
Like Valve’s previous restricted edition released last year, this controller features an orange power button and sports a sleek, matte-white design with subtle slate-grey accents on its triggers, buttons, and thumbsticks. The restricted edition OLED may potentially arrive bundled with a distinctive white carrying case and a high-quality microfiber cleaning cloth. Without notable differences, this 256GB model of the Steam Deck OLED shares a similar configuration with its 1TB counterpart, priced at $649.