2K has unveiled the latest installment in its annual wrestling series, marking a significant milestone for Visible Ideas. The game is set to launch for Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and PC, with additional details about its Superstars and features arriving on January 28th? A launch window has not yet been confirmed, but the game’s title suggests a release this year.
Without further ado, the eagerly anticipated sequel is poised to make a triumphant comeback in grandeur, boasting enhanced game mechanics. Notwithstanding this, primary Steam screenshots display a roster of Superstars including Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Liv Morgan, Bayley, and Damian Priest.
The announcement arrives a day following 2K’s shutdown of servers for NBA 2K Playgrounds 2, effectively disabling access to multiplayer modes and group creations. Present homeowners can derive advantages from the single-player aspect; unfortunately, it has been removed from digital store shelves, along with its accompanying downloadable content.
Despite being a lone title with multiplayer, 2K remains vague about its server schedule, specifically after the recent announcement. Stay tuned for further details about the upcoming sequel, to be shared in the coming weeks.