The vulnerability was discovered after the app’s announcement resurfaced in February. By 2024, the commerce feature in the Social Hub had initially launched with a prominent grayed-out button bearing a “coming soon” label, leaving users eagerly anticipating its activation.
When the highly anticipated operation launches, it’s likely to come with its own set of requirements and constraints, which may mean you’ll need more than just a few coins to get your hands on a coveted Mew card.
Thus far, we have gathered insight into what we know and don’t know about this trait, as well as its characteristics.
The buying and selling feature is set to launch alongside the release of the Pokémon Trading Card Game: Pocket Edition app.
The highly anticipated Buying and Selling feature is set to launch soon, as revealed by the game’s developers through an official announcement on their forums.
As the market continues to evolve, a specific timeline for the widespread adoption of buying and selling is yet unknown. However, it’s essential to stay vigilant as we move closer to this potential milestone. One doable suggestion is Jan. While rumors suggest a potential growth update around 30, with possible bundle release via CentroLeaks’ data analysis on X, it’s uncertain whether this will indeed happen and if so, when exactly within the month.
In Pokémon Trading Card Game: Pocket, trades are a key aspect of building and enhancing your deck. A trade occurs when two players exchange cards, with each player receiving cards they want or need to strengthen their collection.
As the January deadline passes, insights on purchasing and selling dwindle, leaving a multitude of unanswered queries regarding the characteristics’ functionality.
To recap, we’ve covered the key components so far, along with relevant parallels from the world of buying and selling, to help clarify the possibilities.