Dave Bautista has recently joined an ensemble cast in a film featuring a group of alien invaders masquerading as a 1950s-style biker gang, with him serving as the standout A-lister among the company.
Although you may not be familiar with David and Nathan Zellner, they’re about to gain widespread recognition following their next film, Aapha Gang. Based on The Hollywood Reporter, Guardians of the Galaxy and Knock on the Cabin actor Dave Bautista has joined the mission, and there is a lengthy checklist of different names becoming a member of him for it, together with Channing Tatum (Deadpool & Wolverine), Cate Blanchett (Lord of the Rings), Steven Yeun (Invincible), Zoe Kravitz (The Batman), Lea Sydoux (Demise Stranding), and Riley Keough (Mad Max: Fury Highway). This concept holds an astonishing amount of celestial power within a single film, cleverly condensed into an appealing premise.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, “Alpha Gang” is set to debut in a thrilling, high-stakes reality, where extraterrestrial invaders from the 1950s infiltrate Earth by posing as a group of tough-as-nails bikers on leather-clad motorcycles, all while secretly plotting to conquer the planet. As the extraterrestrial beings delve into the intricacies of human emotions, they begin to unravel the complexities of our species’ most intangible aspect: feelings, which we often struggle to define or quantify with precision. Meanwhile, Cate Blanchett is poised to take on the role of Alpha One, the enigmatic leader of the alien group.
If you hadn’t heard of the Zellner brothers before, there’s a good chance you’re familiar with their work prior to that – they’re arguably best known for the 2014 film Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter, which is based on an urban legend about a Japanese woman who believed Fargo was a true story and sets out to find the buried ransom money as depicted in it. Within the past year, they introduced Sasquatch Sundown, a similarly offbeat film that features Keough and Jesse Eisenberg, who bring to life a Bigfoot family over the course of one year. The brothers’ eccentricity is often characterized by a typically bizarre atmosphere.
The Alpha Gang is set to generate significant interest at next week’s American Movie Market, sparking rumors that A24 may soon acquire the rights and tout it as their own discovery.