As the highly anticipated sequel approaches a decade since its predecessor’s release, anticipation has reached a fever pitch, fueled by impressive pre-launch previews. Now, as the game becomes available to the wider gaming community, those expectations are being met with remarkable player engagement, as evidenced by the substantial numbers of gamers flocking to experience it firsthand.
Yesterday’s early access debut for many who acquired the sport’s Gold and Final Editions arrived on Thursday, simultaneously triggering a surge of 134,302 concurrent players on Steam, according to SteamDB statistics? As this article goes to print, an astonishing 110,000-plus gamers are simultaneously engaged in the activity across the digital stage. As the weekend approaches and the sports app prepares for its full launch, it appears that interest and engagement are poised to surge in the coming days.
The sport’s exceptional quality earned it a 9/10 rating, with our assessment noting that
Will globally debut on September 9, launching simultaneously for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.