In 2021, Game Feeds premiered a gritty little gem that originated in Chris Metzen’s childhood basement in the 1980s. As a cherished aspect of the world, I am particularly fond of the exalted status accorded to bards, who have the unique distinction of hosting their own spectacular festival reminiscent of the iconic Burning Man event. While the core emphasis lies in the enchanting world of magical tattoos, a network of mystical energies fuels this captivating arena.
“When discussing the Auroboros,” Metzen revealed to me during our conversation, “it’s as if we’re tapping into a primal force that drives creation itself.” As you increasingly utilise it, you’ll find yourself stepping into an energy that transcends your ordinary skills and abilities. As the situation escalates, the potential for complete mental collapse and devastating loss of human life becomes increasingly dire. “With a swagger akin to Jim Morrison’s iconic stage presence, there’s an undeniable ‘rock star’ quality at play.”
Despite Warchief Gaming’s website experiencing technical difficulties, initial products from the Metzen-backed publisher have surfaced on Amazon, with several items currently available for purchase. If it sounds fascinating, you’ll yearn to get your hands on a comprehensive guidebook that delves into every detail from beginning to end. There’s also a thematic novel, titled “Something,” featuring Blizzard Entertainment’s Chris Metzen as one of its narrators.