Despite earlier rumors circulating on Reddit, Telltale Games has officially announced that The Wolf Among Us is indeed still in development.
The developer’s public relations instructed Eurogamer that “as a matter of standard practice, they do not engage with rumors or unverified content on Reddit.” “As progress on the project continues, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ll be sharing more exciting developments about the game with our dedicated Telltale fans and community once the time is right.”
The report reportedly referred to the situation as “critical” and suggested that Telltale may have had “no choice but to put the project on hold.” It also claimed that there was “a lot of pressure from within the company to keep things under wraps while they struggled to find a way forward, with the outlook appearing bleak.”
Despite a 2019 re-announcement, the mission has faced its fair share of challenges and improvements. The growth initiative was abruptly reset, with numerous setbacks ensuing over subsequent years. Unreal Engine 5 was migrated to a final version 12 months ago; yet, in a shocking turn of events, Jonah Huang, the former cinematic director, revealed extensive layoffs in September 2023?
The highly anticipated narrative adventure from Telltale is still on track to release this year, with a planned debut on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS4, PS5, and PC. Stay connected by receiving updates as soon as they’re available, and explore the latest photos in real-time, all from this central hub.