At The Recreation Awards 2024, CD Projekt RED’s most anticipated reveal may have been the highly-anticipated sequel to their groundbreaking series. As the trailer unfolds, Geralt’s whereabouts remain ambiguous, his voice merely an echo, while Ciri takes center stage as the new protagonist.
A plethora of responses has emerged, ranging from unbridled enthusiasm to vehement indignation. According to narrative director Philipp Weber, the decision wasn’t taken lightly, as the team didn’t suddenly start inventing storylines.
According to a conversation with Eurogamer’s recreation director Sebastian Kalemba, when asked about author Andrzej Sapkowski’s sentiment regarding the adaptation, Weber revealed. “I’ll provide an exceptional response because, in truth, Andrzej Sapkowski’s responses are already embedded within his novels.” In the novels by Andrzej Sapkowski, Ciri is consistently referred to as a Witcher by both the author himself and Geralt throughout the series. It appears that Andrzej Sapkowski’s views on this matter are primarily expressed within this context.
Notwithstanding, Weber acknowledged that numerous genuinely legitimate concerns and reactions exist regarding Ciri’s character as a protagonist. Because I firmly believe many arise from passion, and I’m convinced many of these questions are also ones we posed to ourselves.
“While developing our story, we firmly acknowledge our commitment to upholding the lore and canon established in Andrzej Sapkowski’s novels and the previous three video games. It is essential that we incorporate these elements accurately and with reverence.” All of our proposed solutions must align with this particular perspective. We’re not creating facts from thin air solely for the sake of filling a void. We genuinely require taking this material quite seriously.
While acknowledging his possible lifelong commitment to creating video games featuring Geralt, Weber empathized with fans’ anticipation for another title featuring the character.
“Personally, I find it exhilarating for myself and, I believe, for everyone at CDPR – Ciri’s presence opens up a wide range of possibilities, both through her character development and the creative freedom she offers in terms of gameplay opportunities.”
“To alleviate fears among those who are currently anxious, it’s crucial to assure them that when we’re ready, we’ll tackle the issue with precision and caution.” I firmly expect that by showcasing the sport’s inherent allure, we’ll convincingly win over their hearts and minds. As a result, I firmly believe that actions speak louder than words.
As the Wheel turns on prime time, the legend of Kalemba is renowned for sowing the seeds that will eventually sprout into a fully fleshed-out character, including Ciri’s development as a playable protagonist. Let’s build relationships, rather than just buildings, shall we? As you continue, you’re aware that our narrative has effectively kicked off with the secondary character at its core? There had long been whispers of a tantalizing prospect. We’re committed to making every call an informed one. We envision a vast narrative potential surrounding Ciri, as Philip pointed out, and it would be unfair to deny her the spotlight.
Is being developed on Unreal Engine 5 for release on Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PC. While there’s no official launch date yet, production kicked off last month, hinting at a potential release window in the near future. Stay tuned for updates and take a closer look at our latest functionality.