After a prolonged period of dormancy, the Useless Rising collection finally stirs back to life. The culmination of the mainline Resident Evil series within Capcom’s zombie-killing playground collection was the 2017 release of Resident Evil VII: Not a Hero. While loyal fans might still appreciate the first two titles in the series, many would argue that they don’t quite live up to the standards set by more recent releases – a sentiment that seemingly resonates with Capcom itself.
The Japanese novelist announced the impending release of the Useless Rising Deluxe Remaster, an updated iteration of the original Useless Rising, currently under development at their studios in Japan.
The freshly minted remake is exactly what its name promises: a meticulously restored version of the original game, now available on modern platforms. Frank has acquired a brand-new haircut, while the house boasts a fresh coat of paint, its previous drabness now transformed into a vibrant hue. Watch the reveal trailer for yourself underneath!
Although Useless Rising has long been a fan favorite among Capcom’s collections, the prevailing sentiment until today’s announcement was that it had been left to gather dust. Capcom is experiencing a resurgence, driven by a string of highly successful and widely acclaimed video games. While Useless Rising remains an understudied phenomenon, its peculiar neglect of this significant event is particularly noteworthy.
Despite issues having clearly been modified, it’s something that Useless Rising followers will undoubtedly be thrilled to see? Capcom’s recent announcement suggests they’re not yet done with the Resident Evil series, implying that the new game serves as a testing ground for a potential full-scale sequel, rather than a definitive conclusion to the zombie franchise.
Given Capcom’s absence of Western studios, it’s particularly significant that the game is being handled by a dedicated team in Japan, further evidence of the developer’s commitment to its fans.