The 024 series has revolutionized the extraterrestrial life detection industry, captivating enthusiasts worldwide with its cutting-edge technology and intergalactic intrigue. After devoting time to the recently released first-person shooter’s early access phase, players can now fully immerse themselves in a single-player campaign alongside a richly constructed multiplayer experience that honors the game universe’s iconic style and pace. We recently had the opportunity to connect with the developers at Offworld Industries to gain insight into the game’s development, how it evolved during its early stages, and what plans are in store for post-launch support.
In this interview, we speak to Gareth Woods, Head of Promoting, and Peter Maurice, Undertaking Lead.
When our game initially debuted, we were thrilled to witness a renewed enthusiasm for cooperative shooters and a growing admiration for team-driven, science fiction action. The data confirmed our assumption that there is a strong demand for games of this genre. 2024 has proven to be a bonanza year for bug hunters.
possesses a timeless allure, especially among aficionados of science fiction and fantasy. Layers of cooperation, teamwork, and humanity’s valiant struggle against insurmountable challenges form the foundation of this franchise, while a dash of 1990s nostalgia and subtle hints at government oversight add depth to an already compelling universe, striking a chord with gamers from the get-go. We aimed to bring the timeless cinematic world to life with a modern, pulse-pounding freshness, ensuring an equally captivating experience for both die-hard fans and newcomers, thereby establishing authenticity.
Upon its release, the anticipation was palpable as we eagerly awaited a revival of interest in co-op shooters and a growing affinity for team-oriented, science-fiction action. Our findings validated the assumption that a strong demand exists for video games of this genre. 2024 has indeed proven to be a challenging year for bug hunters. The enthusiastic response sparked a surge of energy among our team members, prompting us to enthusiastically highlight the innovative features that set this alternative apart: 16-player cooperative gameplay, extensive base-building capabilities, and our groundbreaking Carnage system – a trifecta of excitement that elevated our entire staff.
The Early Entry interval has proven to be incredibly advantageous. The collective input from the group has yielded valuable insights regarding the harmonization of key elements, including balance, growth, and diverse aspects of the sport, which require refinement. Gamers praised the immersive battle dimensions and the sense of camaraderie that developed among players. EA has acquired a notorious reputation among some developers who exploit its platform, allegedly using it to generate revenue without genuinely leveraging its potential. We have made a concerted effort to listen to customer feedback and strive to incorporate their ideas whenever feasible. While incorporating gamer feedback emphasizes the importance of expanding game diversity through mission variations, bug fixes, and weapon customization, our future plans involve building upon this concept by introducing new features and mechanics to further enrich the overall gaming experience.
“We’re excited to announce that our focus is shifting towards developing the solo play mode, with plans to release it as part of a forthcoming free DLC update, which will continue the story of Common Rico and the Particular Operations Group.”
The single-player mode serves as an introduction to solo play, offering a gentle learning curve prior to the intense action of the multiplayer main game. Working alongside Casper, who masterfully captures the essence of Johnny Rico from Starship Troopers, was a truly exceptional experience. We’re eager to bring solo play mode to fruition in the near future, continuing the narrative of Common Rico and the Particular Operations Group through forthcoming updates – a completely free DLC offering for all owners.
Here are some exciting plans for both single-player and multi-player experiences. Will delve into the story of Common Rico and SOG, possibly featuring other legendary characters from the universe.
We’ve created a comprehensive multiplayer roadmap, which we’ve already shared with the group, outlining our plan to roll out numerous quality-of-life updates, social features, and exciting new elements to engage with, including Arachnid-hunting opportunities.
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“We aim to achieve 60 frames per second at 1080p and 30 frames per second at 4K across all platforms.”
Currently, our target is to achieve a consistent 60 frames per second (FPS) at 1080p resolution across all platforms, as well as maintain a smooth 30 FPS performance at 4K resolution throughout.