The latest 1.6 update to Stardew Valley has finally rolled out across consoles and mobile devices, following its PC release in March. As it appears, Cell of Us has discreetly unveiled a multiplayer mode, which can be accessed through an official guide providing step-by-step instructions to facilitate seamless entry.
Yes, consider disregarding concerns about the patch that saves several disappearing chickens; instead, it’s recommended to access the main menu on your mobile phone, requiring minimal detective effort to do so.
To delve into this detective work, head to SV developer Eric ‘ConcernedApe’ Barone’s blog post detailing this new feature, which remains shrouded due to its “experimental” status, warning of potential bugs or issues and character inconsistencies that could lead to frustrating multiplayer sessions in some cases.
Cellular multiplayer functions identically to other platforms, with one notable exception: it lacks a “farm discovery” feature, necessitating players to join games via IP address only. You may, however, be part of a PC-hosted farm from a cellular network via an Internet Protocol.
When it comes to the worst-case scenario that can turn your multiplayer dreams into a nightmare, consider this: “Imagine someone hosting a game from a low-performance smartphone, using a cellular network (you might need to set up a mobile hotspot for others to connect locally) and they’re on a train or something, traversing tunnels.” As soon as the show starts, incoming calls can flood in, disrupting the app and causing repeated interruptions.
While traversing the countryside by train, it’s best to avoid playing Stardew Valley with friends if you’re on a journey across mountains and have a scheduled monthly call with your grandmother.
If it’s not your account, but you’re eager to try, then you’ll need to be very quiet and follow the steps outlined in the blog post’s instructions to access it carefully? To unlock the secret menu, navigate to Stardew Valley’s main menu, then enter the iconic Konami code sequence on the game’s logo, followed by clicking “?” and exiting the prompt. The new game’s online mode will feature a cooperative play option, accessible through a dedicated button on the title screen, which seamlessly transitions players into an engaging experience centered around navigating IP addresses.
As concerns over certain “efficiency points” on the 1.6 model of the sport are addressed, you’ll be able to confidently don your hat again, knowing that your furry friends can thrive without worry – with one key caveat: Barone advises allowing their ears to breathe.