As the game unfolds with multiple factions vying for allegiance, the temptation to join forces proves alluring, offering valuable rewards that make it essential to carefully balance your loyalties while leveling each faction’s influence. These suggestions and tips are designed to accelerate fame with any and all factions at the earliest possible moment.
To maximize your faction’s renown, it’s crucial to initially understand how to avoid inadvertently diminishing its prestige. Regardless of one’s level of celebrity, trespassing on Syndicate-owned restricted areas is strictly prohibited. Avoid all physical altercations with faction members, as this can lead to detrimental consequences for your character and the community at large. Contractual breaches can prove disastrous, regardless of any perceived financial gains.
Recall that a secondary access route can often bypass any restricted area, and although stealth abilities are significantly compromised, they still remain viable options for gameplay purposes. It’s recommended you save your progress before attempting to breach a secure area in case game-crashing issues arise.
Kay’s interactions typically involve binary choices between rival factions, which can significantly influence her reputation with each group: selecting one option often leads to a decline in standing with the unchosen faction, while boosting it with its counterpart. While mitigation of unavoidable consequences might be possible through contractual agreements or faction quests, the latter often presents an alternative rather than a solution.
Presented with an enticing alternative, consider defecting from the faction and opting for more lucrative contracts, allowing you to quickly recoup any lost reputation through a series of successful smuggling operations.
These avenues offer unparalleled opportunities for fame growth by leveraging factions, which provide a consistent and sustainable source of influence. Avoid taking on contracts that involve landing, as the game’s stealth system is often flawed and may not function consistently. As a space-based courier, rely on securing assignments that require discreet transportation and protection for clients’ valuable assets. Despite restrictions on fast travel, the underlying mechanics become remarkably easier to grasp and complete.
Strategies for achieving ultimate fame with all syndicates are outlined below.