The release of Stalker 2 has been delayed once more, with a new target date set for November 20. The previously planned September launch was scrapped to allow the game’s developers additional time to rectify “sudden anomalies” – or bugs – that had arisen during testing.
If you’re not up to speed, GSC Game World has been experiencing unprecedented success thanks to their hard work on the sequel to the classic first-person shooter, which debuted back in 2007. Based initially in Ukraine, the studio relocated to the Czech Republic due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The unexpected hurdles navigating development faced by the team, added to the already challenging process of crafting a video game, would undoubtedly have placed immense pressure on the developers. However, it’s reassuring to note that their announcement about this delay still exudes optimism.
A new reveal trailer emerges following a Reddit user sharing an alleged email from GSC regarding the delay, whose details align with the studio’s recent confirmation. The brief 40-second glimpse into Stalker is offset by some humorous undertones.
As a seasoned soldier armed with a high-powered sniper rifle approaches a relatively modern dozer, he receives a directive via his radio from Colonel headquarters: “The designated area remains off-limits until November 20, pending the conclusion of Ward’s official proceedings.” Here is the rewritten text in a professional style:
Colonel stated, “Consider this my order for you to prepare for a heightened state of readiness.” The soldier swiftly replied, “Are you out of your mind?” Actually, once more?”
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Despite the turmoil faced by GSC Game World, including a fire at its Prague offices, the developer appears to be finding joy and creativity in the final couple of phrases, which serve as the title of this trailer.
“Stalker 2 is taking shape exactly as envisioned, with launch mere weeks away, and we’re extremely excited to share more details with you,” GSC wrote in the video’s description, “To give you a taste of what’s coming, we’re thrilled to announce the Stalker 2 Developer Deep Dive video, premiering on Xbox media channels August 12.
“This in-depth update will feature exclusive interviews, extensive new footage, and a comprehensive video guide to one of the game’s most exciting quests.” We won’t wait until you’ve seen it in its entirety to form a complete understanding of how the sport appears and performs.
As you eagerly anticipate the moment when you’ll finally get your hands on what’s been prepared for you, consider looking forward to this upcoming opportunity.