Since 2009, the Sniper: Ghost Warrior franchise has consistently revolved around its iconic protagonist, Karl Fairburne, an operative of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Although the passage mentions Harry Hawker within the context. As Fairburne seeks to thwart the Afrika Korps’ operations in Sniper Elite 3, he’s now heading into Southern France to disrupt the Nazis’ efforts to develop their latest Wunderwaffe innovation.
In a newly released video, Insurrection’s Head of Design, Ben Fisher, and Lead Artist, Simon Ible, delve deeper into the character of Hawker and his persona. Described as “intently focused, deliberately calculated, and resolute,” he’s not averse to undertaking something pivotal in order to thwart the Nazi regime. When faced with adversity, Hawker tends to seek alternative solutions while maintaining a calm demeanor.
As war rages across Europe during World War II, the narrative takes a journey to southern France. As the Allies prepare for the Normandy invasion on D-Day, the fight far from subsides, as players embark on a thrilling adventure through the picturesque Alps, charming vineyards, and historic châteaux, relentlessly pursuing their enemies and bringing the Nazi regime to its knees.
Launches on January 30th, 2025, for Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and PC. Homeowners of the Deluxe Version will gain priority access to the game on January 28th, along with a Season Pass featuring three post-launch downloadable content (DLC) packages.