Last year’s anime adaptation of The Apothecary Diaries was a surprise hit, and now, following a brief hiatus, the wait is over: season two has a confirmed release date.
While reflecting on last year’s hit anime, you’re likely to recall series like Frieren: I’ll Be Checking Out or the second season of Jujutsu Kaisen, but those in the know are aware that The Apothecary Diaries also gained significant popularity. If you’re unfamiliar with the series, but recall an anime featuring a heroine with dark green tresses and light green attire accompanying a dashing male companion with striking crimson locks, chances are you’ve watched this interval piece anime. And for those who are eager to follow the latest developments, it’s exciting news that a teaser trailer has been released, accompanied by a confirmed launch date of January 10, 2025.
The event is merely three months away, rendering unnecessary extensive preparation. Meanwhile, the trailer’s sparse Japanese dialogue hints at an abundance of dramatic twists to unfold. Based on a light novel series, the official description from Crunchyroll provides insight into Maomao’s life: “She lived a peaceful existence alongside her apothecary father. Until then, she’ll toil in obscurity, relegated to menial tasks within the imperial palace. Despite being bred for courtly life amidst opulence, she was never destined to conform to the rigid expectations of royal society. When imperial heirs suddenly fall ailing, she seizes the opportunity to intervene, determined to uncover a cure. As Jinshi, a well-connected and handsome palace official, takes notice of her exceptional abilities, he offers his support and patronage, propelling her forward in her career. As her expertise grows, she’s earning a reputation for solving even the most confounding medical enigmas!
This past July, Crunchyroll officially announced its plans to stream the eagerly anticipated second season of the series, accompanied by another highly-anticipated collection, alleviating viewers’ concerns over how they will access the content. Ain’t that handy!