Hexadrive, renowned for its thrilling games, is currently developing a novel “Japanese-style” horror experience that promises to send chills down players’ spines. A sepia-toned glimpse into a traditional Japanese dwelling suggests that something is about to unfold. Approximately nine seconds into the video, a tentacle appears briefly, followed quickly by a glimpse of water.
In a mysterious realm, the protagonist finds themselves stranded, and players are tasked with guiding their journey back home. Throughout the journey, you’ll encounter a series of enigmas to decipher, conundrums to resolve, and formidable creatures to repel. The highly anticipated title will make its debut on July 19th at the BitSummit Drift event held within Miyako Messe in Kyoto, Japan. The game is also available for play on the developer’s store from July 19th to 21st.
At the same time as HexaDrive’s fresh launch, BitSummit Drift is set to feature more than 100 games from independent developers. Here is the rewritten text:
The titles Embryo and White Owl come from developers at White Owls, as well as The Wild Gentleman and Tokyo Underground Killer, both created by Phoenix Sport Productions, which also worked on a game remake.