Capcom has previously released native versions of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3, alongside their reimaginings, on PlayStation 5; soon, this trio of survival horrors will make its physical debut on the console as well.
The corporation has announced that the game, which includes all post-launch DLC and the base sport, will receive physical PS5 releases on December 6 in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand; December 26 in Japan; and sometime in January in North America, with a specific launch date to be determined. The title will retail for $29.99.
The past 12 months’ remake has seen every native PS5 game launched as-is, implying that all modern games are instantly available on the platform both physically and digitally.
According to rumors circulating among fans, it appears that at least five video games are currently in development, including reportedly simultaneous work on remakes of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Final Fantasy VII.