Pokémon’s beloved spin-off series, Pokémon Mystery Dungeons: Rescue Team Red, is making its way to Nintendo Switch Online.
Although you didn’t miss a Nintendo Direct, the renowned game developer behind the iconic purple and white franchise has revealed a brand-new title heading to its Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack this week, coincidentally coinciding with the beloved Pokémon Mystery Dungeons: Red Rescue Team.
In this innovative spin-off of the Pokémon catching sequence, you take on the role of a Pokémon for an entire game, allowing you to experience the world from a unique perspective. The first entry in this series is set to arrive on Nintendo Switch Online next week, on August 9. Notwithstanding its simplicity, it’s crucial to recognize when the Purple Rescue Crew arrives at Swap.
Pokémon Mystery Dungeons: Shining Pearl, released in 2005 for the Game Boy Advance, brought nostalgic excitement to fans worldwide. Meanwhile, its counterpart, Pokémon Mystery Dungeons: Blue Rescue Team, debuted simultaneously for the Nintendo DS. Because Nintendo has yet to release a digital console or online collection featuring DS games, one of the best versions of these two titles remains unplayable unless you own an original copy of the game or happened to purchase it for the Wii U’s now-defunct Digital Console.
While Blue Rescue Crew may not be drastically distinct from its Purple counterpart, it does boast several notable improvements: the second screen allows for seamless tracking of your map and teammates’ status, while the audio and sound design have also seen significant enhancements due to the improved console capabilities. Despite some reservations, the Thriller Dungeons spin-offs stand as some of Pokémon’s most exceptional offerings, rendering it hardly something to lament that you can now play the original on Switch.