Pirates: The VR Adventure, a thrilling action-packed journey unfolds on a treacherously cursed island, slated for release next year on both Steam and PlayStation VR2.
Developed by Break up Mild Studio (Afterlife VR), Pirates VR: Jolly Roger promises an immersive marketing campaign fraught with danger lurking around every corner. Set on a forgotten Caribbean island teeming with jungles, rocky cliffs, and sunken ships, your mission is to navigate treacherous traps and fend off undead pirates as you search for Davy Jones’ treasure.
The VRKiwi experience promises a thrilling adventure lasting approximately 4-6 hours, where you’ll have the opportunity to scale cliffs, explore submerged caves by swimming through underwater caverns, and make a splash as you slide down rugged ropes. Identifying ways to circumvent obstacles necessitates uncovering crucial puzzle components, which ultimately reveal concealed treasure maps or hitherto inaccessible routes. If you encounter more challenging puzzles, your disparaging parrot friend can offer subtle hints.
In the battle against the forces of darkness, Pirates VR equips players with a magic lantern and an arsenal of traditional pirate weapons, including a flintlock pistol that’s sure to pack a punch. This forsaken isle teems with perils, from the ferocious wildlife to reanimated skeletal horrors, malevolent buccaneers, and a plethora of other formidable beasts that lurk in every shadow.
Pirates: Plunder an’ Pillage VR, a swashbuckling adventure, sets sail for Steam on January 14, 2025, with the PlayStation VR2 edition following in the second quarter of 2025.