Capcom has unveiled a new trailer focusing on the versatility of weapons in Monster Hunter Rise, specifically highlighting the Bow as the third option for ranged combat, joining the existing Heavy and Light Bowguns. Unlike the other, this one utilizes entirely distinct arrowheads and possesses a unique drawing duration. Here are the results:
The Bow’s versatility allows it to fire individual arrows, display photographs, and unleash projectiles from above with precise targeting capabilities. As with previous titles, you’ll have the option to purchase a shot ability for added damage output and speed up your movements to evade a monster’s attacks. The captivating aspect of this firearm’s design lies in its innovative incorporation of a tracer mechanism.
When striking a monster with the identical skill, all subsequent attacks will focus on the tracer until it detonates. The crew seems to be drawing inspiration from classic strategies, as evidenced by their use of a Focus Strike that utilizes multiple factors on a monster’s physiology to deliver a barrage of arrows.
Are our subsequent years for Xbox Series X/S, PS5, and PC. Two additional weapon trailers remain – the Lance and Twin Blades – so stay tuned for more.