Unbeknownst to many, Konami has quietly released a fresh update for their Manufacturing Hotline, featuring an exclusive conversation between manufacturing producer Noriaki Okamura and industry insiders. Despite the gravity of the inquiry regarding a launch date, the individual remained vague, stating that they’re “still not in a position to pinpoint a specific date just yet.”
“We’re putting in an enormous amount of effort to ensure the event’s success,” Okamura said confidently. Despite our uncertainty about the exact release date, we can confidently assert that the game is already substantially complete and fully playable from start to finish. I’m confident of that.
The event group appears to be in the midst of a refinement phase, meticulously testing and calibrating individual components to ensure seamless functionality. As we move into the final stretch, our focus is on meticulously examining each component, identifying areas in need of repair, and ensuring every aspect meets the highest standards of quality. As construction professionals, it’s essential to meticulously complete each phase of the project to guarantee a high-quality outcome. Once the design is refined, stakeholders will be informed via the Manufacturing Hotline. Within that timeframe, Okamura asked to test his own perseverance.
The latest enhancements are coming to gaming enthusiasts across Xbox Collection X/S, PlayStation 5, and PC. While a discharge date has yet to be officially announced for the upcoming remake, speculation suggests it could potentially arrive as early as 2025. Stay informed about upcoming updates and explore our comprehensive overview of key features, including newly added Quality and Efficiency modes for consoles, innovative quality-of-life tools such as Fast-Dial, and many other enhancements.