In 2021, Humanoid Origin emerged as a new indie studio founded by Casey Hudson, creator of the Mass Effect series, director of the original trilogy, and former general manager at BioWare. The studio, previously set to work on a narrative-driven AAA sci-fi game, is instead shutting down operations entirely.
Following a surprise funding shortage, Humanoid Origin has announced it will cease operations and halt progress on its ambitious sci-fi project, citing unforeseen financial constraints.
As this statement was issued earlier today, studio representatives informed their team that Humanoid Origin may be closing its doors. Despite our best efforts to insulate the studio from the industry’s broader challenges, a sudden and unforeseen shortage of funding ultimately forced us to cease operations.
We’re devastated by the realization that our ambitious science-fiction universe project will remain unfinished. While our primary focus remains on our staff, we are committed to facilitating a seamless transition into their next career endeavors.
The sudden announcement takes many by surprise, yet it’s dishearteningly reminiscent of the gaming industry’s recent struggles, which have left a lasting impact over the past few years. The sudden shutdown of Humanoid Origin, a fledgling but highly touted developer, has dealt a devastating blow to fans eagerly anticipating their next move, following the closure’s stark departure from the creative potential and innovative spirit that once seemed limitless.