The incredible fourth installment is set to premiere on January 10th, introducing Season 1: Everlasting Evening Descends to captivate audiences worldwide. The highly-anticipated primary gameplay trailer for the renowned superhero franchise has been released, spotlighting Reed Richards’ thrilling exploits as Mister Incredible. Test it out beneath.
As a seasoned Duellist, Mister Incredible extends his impressive physique to unleash powerful attacks from various distances, showcasing his mastery of adaptability and tactical prowess in combat. With his impressive combat prowess, he can simultaneously grab two foes, slamming them together with devastating force, deflect projectiles – including Ultimates – and redirect them back at his enemies, allowing him to amplify his attacks for even greater damage. His final moments are often surprisingly absurd, as he bounds around the battlefield, delivering a flurry of attacks that leave his opponents reeling.
Alongside Mr. Incredible, the enigmatic Invisible Man, the fiery Human Torch, and the cerebral Fantastic Four member, the lineup is set to impress. Stay tuned for their dedicated reveal trailers to learn more about their skills.
Available now on Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and PC. Try our assessment right here. Since its launch just last month, the game has already attracted more than 20 million enthusiastic players worldwide. In recent weeks, it has surpassed others in viewership on Twitch.