Meet Residing Room, a groundbreaking new application launching on Quest 3, which seamlessly brings the excitement of a comprehensive wildlife sanctuary into your own home, empowering you to nurture and interact with the animals at will.
Since the launch of Quest 3, blended actuality gaming has experienced a substantial surge, prompting developers to capitalize on mixed reality’s vast potential in innovative ways. In Residing Room by Thoughtfish, users can transform their furniture into diverse environments and archipelagos where wildlife can flourish, allowing them to observe and manage everything from a bird’s-eye view.
As you advance, you’ll have the opportunity to choose from a variety of biomes that surround you, and the Living Room will unlock additional options, including decorative items for your space and new biomes featuring unique species of flora and fauna. You will be responsible for taking care of the animals and endeavouring to meet their needs. For those seeking a more relaxed experience, there’s also an ‘Artistic’ mode, complemented by the existing ‘Regular’ and ‘Difficult’ options for those craving something more challenging.
The highly anticipated Residing Room will debut this fall on Quest 3, although no specific release date has been announced yet.