The enigmatic Let Me Solo Her, renowned for offering unparalleled assistance to brave adventurers grappling with the formidable Malenia, Blade of Miquella, in Elden Ring’s original release. As the Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree campaign concludes, the remnants of their encampment are hastily disassembled, with supplies reorganized for the impending battle against an unforeseen adversary.
Messmer, the DLC’s flagship character, has been causing frustration among gamers attempting to make progress through the challenging new content. Let Me Solo Her has unveiled its latest venture on social media and YouTube, inviting gamers to unwind and watch in awe as they take on the formidable foe, Messmer, in a thrilling solo experience.
The debut video for the upcoming downloadable content (DLC), titled “Let Me Solo Him,” showcases our protagonist tackling Messmer, a character recognizable by his signature pot head and twinned blades. With swift efficiency, they dispatch Messmer, leaving behind a contented customer. As the duration of their stay at Messmer’s remains uncertain, those with an interest may want to reach out and take advantage of this opportunity?
But lurking just beyond Messmer’s threshold lies a far more formidable adversary. The shadow of the Erdtree’s final adversary, a formidable opponent whose true identity remains shrouded in secrecy to avoid spoiling the experience for those yet to encounter it, proves to be an absolutely monstrous challenge and unquestionably the most demanding foe in the game. Will Let Me Solo Him successfully navigate the final challenge in the game, helping players overcome its most difficult encounter? Time will inform!
Are you seeking guidance on conquering the formidable leaders in Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree region? Tell us beneath!