Japanese video game developer Koei Tecmo, renowned for its iconic franchises such as Dead or Alive and Dynasty Warriors, is poised to intensify its focus on high-caliber console and PC gaming experiences moving forward.
Reported by Automaton Media, throughout the firm’s current Q&A briefing with buyers, it was confirmed that Koei Tecmo “expects the console and PC recreation market to develop” due to new {hardware} releases (one thing that it didn’t elaborate on), whereas on the cell entrance, the corporate isn’t anticipating any “vital progress”.
According to Koei Tecmo, the company plans to consistently deliver high-quality, AAA-rated games and will focus on releasing its flagship titles annually. The corporation is set to experience significant growth, with its workforce expanding from 2,500 employees to 5,000, effectively doubling in size.
In January of this year, the company announced the launch of an internal game development studio, dedicated to producing high-quality, triple-A (AAA) video games. Discover more about that topic right here.