Don’t Nod, a renowned game developer, recently released an experimental title last year, which, despite not being one of the top releases, garnered robust, positive feedback upon its launch in October, impressing the vast majority of players who tried it. Although it initially debuted as a digital-only sport, this landscape is poised to shift rapidly.
Don’t Nod has announced its collaboration with Pix’n Love, which will be publishing a physical edition of the critically acclaimed puzzle-platformer later this year. The highly anticipated release is scheduled for October and will feature reversible cowl artwork, a unique touch exclusive to the PlayStation 5 edition. There’s no mention of whether a delayed Xbox console launch will also be shelved down the road.
A deluxe version of the game is also available, featuring a comprehensive package that includes a replica of the game, as well as a 300-page artbook documenting its creation, the original soundtrack, four exclusive lithographs, and a large cardboard box to house everything. Only 300 of these will be printed, so if you want to get your hands on them, you’ll need to move swiftly.
Available now for play on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Discover the fundamentals of the game by exploring this introduction.