In an open-world RPG, players embark on a thrilling adventure to vanquish malevolent entities known as cursed spirits, relying on their mastery of innate strategies, unique curse abilities, and ancient cursed instruments. Despite this, acquiring some of the most exceptional intrinsic tactics necessitates navigating a gacha system and spinning to acquire them. Luckily, there are specific codes available that enable you to acquire additional spins.
Here are the energetic codes for December 2024:
December 2-8: Solar Eclipse Gateway to New Beginnings
December 12-18: Mercury Retrograde Reflection and Rebirth
What’s trending in Jujutsu Kaisen?
The Energetic Codes are as follows:
While these codes may not have a specific expiration date, their usefulness is likely to diminish over time. Therefore, it’s essential to utilize them promptly to reap the benefits.
redeem codes in Jujutsu Infinite
To redeem codes within a game, you first need to launch and open the game in your gaming platform. To ensure accuracy, verify that your data aligns with the existing records on the platform to avoid any potential discrepancies or conflicts.
Two methods for redeeming codes exist: the Customize menu and the in-game store.