As the clock ticks down to the early entry launch for Premium Version owners, Bethesda has finally disclosed the PC system requirements for its action-adventure title, confirming that the game will not be playable at all with Nvidia’s RTX cards or equivalent options – a peculiar revelation, considering that full ray tracing support won’t even be featured during the game’s early access period?
Nvidia has confirmed that while its DLSS technology does provide benefits for full ray tracing (or Path Tracing), enabling more precisely rendered shadows, reflections, and global illumination, it won’t actually be added until a Day One patch releases on December 9, the day of the game’s worldwide launch? Gamers who access the game’s premium version ahead of its global release won’t be able to fully experience its capabilities, including Path Tracing, until its worldwide debut a few days later.
The popular fighting game series is coming to Xbox Series X/S and PC, with a planned release on PlayStation 5 later in the spring. Discover the sport’s world launch timings by clicking here now.