The latest installment in the Stage-5 series is facing yet another delay, with its release now slated for June 2025, a year after initially planned. A brand-new story and gameplay trailer has emerged, offering an exciting glimpse into the forthcoming narrative and interactive experience.
Check out the brand-new trailer unveiling the sports’ highly anticipated release date: June 2025. The official trailer has been released, featuring Japanese dialogue accompanied by English and Chinese subtitles for international audiences.
A global beta test for the new game appeared on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC throughout various dates in 2024. Following a patch update on May 20, 2024, the beta now features the inaugural chapter of the game’s narrative-driven story mode, marking a significant milestone in its development. During a recent Stage-5 Imaginative and Prescient 2024 broadcast, President Akihiro Hino disclosed that the global beta test of the game garnered more than two million downloads worldwide.
The latest addition to this collection boasts a rich historical background, having originated in its modern form back in 2016. Over the past eight years, the sport’s naming rights have undergone significant transformations, ultimately settling into its current form.
The highly anticipated title is currently undergoing development for release on the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, mobile devices, and PC via Steam, with a simultaneous global launch planned for April 2025.