The highly acclaimed anime studio, renowned for its innovative storytelling and captivating visuals, is set to debut a fresh series in the upcoming year, courtesy of the esteemed creator behind the beloved franchise.
Following the devastating arson attack on Kyoto Animation’s studios in 2019, it’s been several years since the renowned animation studio has released a brand-new series. Euphonium. However, over the weekend, the animation studio announced that its subsequent collection will rely on the works of Keiichi Arawi, best known for creating the series often considered to be part of the same universe as his more famous work, Nichijou. Since the mention of Kyoto Animation and Nichijou might evoke familiarity, this is likely due to their collaboration on the anime series, renowned by genuine fans as one of the greatest anime productions ever created.
You can watch the teaser trailer for Metropolis above, boasting no animation but exuding an infectious energy from the start itself. This city, unlike any other, holds secrets that defy explanation; its beauty is a mere façade for the mysteries that lie beneath the surface. Moments of joyous laughter, tender love, and poignant emotional depth. A most unexpected unconventional existence unfolds through the eyes of its inhabitants. Exciting events unfold in rapid succession. Welcome to CITY, where reality blurs into the extraordinary. Inspired by the essence of Nichijour and Metropolis, this slice-of-life collection delves into the daily routines of three college students and various residents within its titular metropolis, where the mundane seamlessly merges with the surreal.
Taiichi Ishidate is poised to helm the upcoming collection, his extensive experience in directing various projects at Kyoto Animation over the years making him an ideal candidate for the task. The robust protagonist is brought to life by the voices of talented actresses Mikako Komatsu, Aki Toyosaki, and Yui Ishikawa, each embodying one of three fundamental characters in this captivating narrative.
While no specific release date has been announced, the product is slated for a 2025 debut, so keep an eye out for updates on its impending arrival.