Humble Bundle, a leading video game retailer, has recently undergone significant restructuring efforts, resulting in widespread layoffs across its organization. Nicola Kwan, an enterprise growth supervisor for a major publishing company’s division, publicly disclosed the news on LinkedIn, announcing that all 36 employees within the affected department were terminated from their positions.
The statement from Kwan, acknowledging corporate’s shutdown, was met with news of widespread layoffs. However, Humble Games, owned by IGN, clarified in an announcement to Sport Developer that these layoffs were part of a deliberate restructuring effort designed to ensure the stability and well-being of their developers and ongoing projects.
“We are acutely aware of the profound impact this decision will have on our workforce members at Humble Games, and we deeply sympathize with all those who will be affected by it.” “Our team’s dedication has yielded outstanding results, playing a crucial role in the successful launch of our entire video game portfolio since our inception in 2017.”
Humble Games is the publishing arm of the popular digital storefront Humble Bundle. Launched in 2017, this publisher made a strong start with its inaugural release, and has since published a diverse range of titles, including numerous bestsellers.