Mastering the utility of mods in various games is indeed a bit more challenging than navigating the complexities of different Call of Duty titles. Gamers often experiment with unconventional weapons like kitchen knives, baseball bats, or even power tools, but when they try to use them in a melee situation, the game typically limits their effectiveness by only allowing them to bash other players with the butt of their gun. However, the melee attack doesn’t take out multiple players with a single hit.
To switch to your knife and adjust the primary binding in your knife, follow these steps.
What’s your strategy for dominating opponents in Black Ops 6? Mastering the knife is crucial for close-quarters combat.
By default, switching to your knife requires a simple action: hold down the melee button, denoted as “V” on PC or the corresponding analog stick on consoles.
Within predefined parameters, you have the flexibility to adjust the manner in which you operate your blade.
Given that many players often default to the controller layout for their preferred fighting game, carrying the melee attack with the A/X button is a natural choice, as it’s typically bound to the strongest punch or kick in most games. Will add the knife to your weapon selection, allowing you to seamlessly navigate and utilize the new addition to excel in combat.
When using a PC, consider utilizing the comma (,) keybind feature that allows for effortless knife entry. Regardless of your preference, you’ll need to specify a default melee weapon in your game settings to enable the option.
To set up a dedicated keybinding, follow the instructions below.
How to assign a dedicated keybind for your melee weapon in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
To assign a dedicated keybind to your melee weapon, follow this process:
Are you looking to become a top-notch knife-only Call of Duty player? Invoice Rebranding