Hoyoverse has unveiled the latest updates to its Voice of the Galaxy feature, which now includes an improved relics filtering system and expanded character suggestion options. To facilitate easier gear searching, a streamlined experience has been implemented for the traditional Relics menu as well as the Caverns of Corrosion and Simulated Universe areas.
With relic filtering enabled, users can now streamline their searches by saving up to 30 schemes tailored to character recommendations. As rare card collections are curated, consideration should first be given to selecting a specific character, ideally accompanied by a designated rarity level, followed by examination of primary and secondary statistics. This information can then be used to establish a filtering system, allowing for efficient organization and retrieval. Typically, it’s feasible to activate a rapid lock or rapid discard option while performing this action. The revamped text is: It enables users to quickly assess whether new Relics acquired through Caverns of Corrosion or other sources meet predefined criteria, allowing for informed decisions about gear swaps.
The introduction of new gear-based abilities in 2.4 allows for more flexibility and customization, as players can now choose from a wider range of options depending on their character’s subsidiary stats. One of the most promising innovations in sorting technology is undoubtedly this latest option. When a character’s Relic stats align with their needs, the corresponding sport is highlighted in gold. In a recent pattern screenshot, HoYoVerse officially validated that the CRIT Price and CRIT DMG secondary statistics had indeed been showcased.
The three areas where checking relics allows you to view character suggestions are currently present. When players opt for the Caverns of Corrosion segment, they merely tap on the Relics icons to access supplementary information about these intriguing treasures. This will further introduce valuable characteristics for these entities.
The instance screenshot shared by HoYoVerse showcases the Path of Dreamdive Cavern of Corrosion, featuring the Pioneer Diver of Lifeless Waters and Watchmaker Grasp of Dream Machinations units, with recommended equipment including Acheron, Aventurine, and Dr. Ration.
Accessible on PlayStation 5, PC, and mobile devices, with a release date set for July 31, 2024.