“Dwell Sports, a forthcoming mixed reality multi-sport game reminiscent of Wii Sports, is set to debut next month on Meta Quest 3 and 3S.”
Originally launched in September, Dwelling Sports is the latest venture from Racket Club and Demeo studio Decision Games, marking a new milestone in the development of innovative gaming experiences. The forthcoming collection seamlessly integrates virtual reality and mixed actuality gameplay, featuring a diverse range of five distinct sports: pickleball, hockey, bowling, miniature golf, and badminton, all packaged together in one comprehensive offering. Single-player mode is available, accompanied by native and online multiplayer options that support up to three players simultaneously.
While no footage was previously released by Decision Games for their forthcoming title, a brand-new trailer is now available below to give viewers a first glimpse of what’s to come.
Dubbed a pioneer in social entertainment, Dwelling Sports endeavors to harmonize “whimsical pleasure” with strategic finesse, tailoring each game to seamlessly integrate with your living space. Decision has announced in its latest press release that its blended reality mode enables boundaryless gameplay, a trend that has been increasingly prevalent since Meta introduced this capability.
Dwell Sports arrives on December 11 for the Meta Quest 3 family at a price of $20.