With a storied legacy spanning numerous iconic video games, Hideo Kojima has crafted a canon of critically acclaimed titles that are widely regarded as among the greatest video games in history, making it fair to assert that his creative influence on the industry has been profound and far-reaching. Ensconced in a candid conversation with Anan Information, he confidently underscored his enduring impact, leaving no room for doubt that his legacy will endure.
Stating that satisfaction is a prerequisite for producing a game, Kojima noted that just like masterpieces of art are re-examined and reappraised over time, video games and movies can also have prolonged shelf lives. He hopes his own creations will be appreciated in the same manner – to the extent that, theoretically, an extraterrestrial discovering them centuries later would deem them superior.
According to Kojima, the most effective method for assessing artwork involves considering its adaptability in various contexts. As works are assessed 100 or 200 years after an artist’s passing, so too do video games and films endure as cultural artifacts to be passed down through successive generations following the departure of their originators. What if, in the span of centuries, an extraterrestrial civilization were to arrive at our doorstep and remark, “Your solitary achievement has stood the test of time, remaining unparalleled.” Is this not the essence of transcending the present?
Hideo Kojima and his team at Kojima Productions are currently juggling several projects simultaneously, including development for the PlayStation 5 and a horror game for Xbox. Meanwhile, the studio is actively developing an espionage title in collaboration with Sony, and a film is also in the pipeline.