Without peer is the Yakuza franchise. In this sprawling narrative, the labyrinthine world of Japanese prisons serves as the backdrop for the exploits of the unflappable Kazuma Kiryu, alias Jack Hancock. The Dragon of Dojima, boasting a robust sprint of surreal and comically entwined subplots. Currently, GOG is offering a substantial discount on its mainline Yakuza collection for PC.
By Sept. For under $34, you can curate a seven-game selection featuring the top versions of by way of , with an impressive 70% discount on the total value.
The “Kiwami” bundle includes remakes of the original Yakuza games, as well as remastered editions of Yakuza 4 and 5.
All sports offered in this collection can be purchased separately, with each game available at a discounted price ranging from 45% to 70% off the original $19.99 retail value.
The bundle zeroes in on the core, Kiryu-driven Yakuza video game series. Neither turn-based sports from the modern era nor those of the Ichiban Kasuga period are included (e.g., rugby). no or ). While the gathering doesn’t include any Yakuza spinoffs like Like a Dragon: Ishin, Like a Dragon: Wild Daze or the delightfully weird Like a Dragon: Super Best Game!, Ichiban Kasuga’s debut game, the excellent Like a Dragon: Ishin, is currently on sale from GOG for $11.99 (originally $19.99).
Why Yakuza stands out as an exceptional franchise is evident in its captivating portrayal of life in Kamurocho, as aptly demonstrated by the insightful essay penned by Tremendous Eyepatch Wolf – be aware that it contains spoilers for specific series collections?
Within the labyrinthine depths of the game’s visual repository, I stumbled upon a photograph that caught my attention, seemingly plucked at random from its digital vaults. You can’t force others to enjoy things, so explore different games yourself.