One of the most popular anime original series from 2022 is receiving a miniseries to help bridge the gap until Season 2 arrives.
While anime series not primarily based on manga often struggle to achieve widespread popularity, Lycoris Recoil defied expectations and achieved success in 2022. Even the notoriously discerning Hideo Kojima, creator of the iconic Metal Gear Solid series, was effusive in his praise for Drive’s innovative storytelling and visual style. To show their appreciation, he received matching shirts with Nicolas Winding Refn, director of the critically acclaimed film, who also moonlights as the enigmatic Heartman in Death Stranding. Here is the rewritten text:
Whether you’re a fan of Hideo Kojima’s work or an enthusiast of the popular anime series, you’ll be delighted to know that… The official Japanese Twitter account for Lycoris Recoil announced yesterday that a six-episode miniseries focusing on the daily lives of Chisato, Takina, and other characters is in production.
Lycoris Recoil director Shingo Adachi is set to supervise the series’ six episodes, each featuring a unique combination of directors and storyboard artists. Renowned character designer Imigimuru is also credited with writing several scripts in addition to his work on character design. While there were no additional details provided beyond what was shared in the initial announcement, a brief preview was offered in the accompanying tweet, as seen above.
While that’s a decent start, here are some thoughts to consider: It’s exciting news for fans of the collection, knowing that something new is on the horizon while keeping an eye out for Season 2’s developments? A second season was unveiled in late February, but details about its development have remained scarce ever since. In this enigmatic series, a clandestine organization known as Lycoris comprises youthful orphaned women, expertly masquerading as high school students, whose primary objective is to eliminate criminal masterminds and terrorists before they can perpetrate harm, thus ensuring justice prevails. While opinions may vary, it’s evident that this concept struck a chord with many viewers, making it worthwhile to continue exploring.