The Sport Awards 2024 will reveal its list of nominees on Monday, selected through a combination of online gaming publication ballots and our own in-house poll conducted here at Game Feeds. At the current moment, Geoff Keighley and his team have released a statement clarifying the eligibility criteria for the nominees. Although no explicit rule prohibited online game DLCs and expansions from being considered for nomination, it was possible that some people might have mistakenly believed they weren’t eligible to compete with full games.
The FAQ on The Sport Awards website has been updated with a new question: “Are DLCs, expansion packs, and remakes/remasters eligible?” Here’s our response:
The Sports Awards aims to recognize outstanding artistic and technical achievements each year, regardless of the platform or format through which they were released. Eligible for consideration in all categories are growth packs, new sports seasons, downloadable content, remakes, and remasters, as long as the judging panel determines that the brand-new artistic and technical effort showcases innovative creativity and exceptional execution, warranting a nomination. Components akin to the novelty of the content matter and its value ought to be taken into account.
We’re unsure whether our game will receive a Game of the Year nomination, let alone other nods. Prior to its release, we predicted it would likely earn a “Greatest Ongoing Sport” award, recognizing parent games and their DLCs and expansions. It’s possible to stumble upon a situation where one finds themselves in an unexpected place. The downloadable content itself earned our appreciation.
A previous iteration of this narrative mistakenly suggested that those casting ballots for The Sports Awards might not have been aware of this regulation. According to the voting process at The Sport Awards, voters were fully informed before casting their ballots.