Gadgeteer, a physics-based puzzle game where players build intricate Rube Goldberg machines, now receives mixed reality support on Quest 3.
Initially launched five years ago, Gadgeteer from Metanaut has undergone a significant journey marked by various post-launch updates and multiple ports. On Quest, the innovative mixed reality mode is now available to all homeowners, enabling them to build complex structures within their virtual playhouse using a vast library of over 100 devices at their disposal. Machines can be saved and reloaded depending on your current environment. Here is the newly unveiled cinematic preview.
At a press launch, Peter Kao, Inventive Director and CEO, revealed that Gadgeteer was always envisioned as a title that seamlessly blends both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) gameplay experiences. As AR models resurfaced on the horizon in 2020, we surmised that a fusion of this technology would be an exemplary synergy with Magic Leap’s capabilities, which now, owing to advancements in blended reality expertise, have culminated in his actualization of this vision.
“Gadgeteer is the ideal recreational solution for blended reality,” states Kao in a prepared statement. While chain response machines rely heavily on their environment, it is crucial to employ intelligence in navigating these circumstances? With this update, players can build elaborate, creative contraptions that seamlessly integrate with their surroundings, utilizing the unique layout of their homes to create immersive experiences.
Metanaut has announced plans to develop a standalone virtual reality project, distinct from its existing work on the Gadgeteer series. While details regarding this forthcoming event remain elusive, a cryptic message hints at further revelations to follow, simply stating “More information coming soon.”
While Gadgeteer is available on multiple platforms, including PSVR, Rift, and Steam, its VR replacement is currently exclusive to the Meta Quest 3 family?