Pokémon TCG Pocket has simply launched its sixth enlargement pack Triumphant Gentle, that includes 75 new base playing cards, and 21 particular illustration playing cards to gather. There are 5 new ex playing cards, plenty of new full artwork playing cards, and a brand new battling mechanic. The set is predicated on Pokémon Legends: Arceus together with Arceus and Arceus Ex, and decks constructed from this enlargement will wish to play a minimum of one Arceus card.
Triumphant Gentle introduces Hyperlink Talents. Magnezone, Crobat, Tyranitar, Rotom, Raichu, Abomasnow, Heatran, and Carnivine all have skills that make them stronger when Arceus is in play. Irida is one other fascinating card within the deck as she will be able to heal 40HP on any Pokémon with a Water Power hooked up. This doesn’t should be a Water-type and will work in a number of decks.
Right here is the complete deck checklist for Pokémon TCG Pocket Triumphant Gentle enlargement.
- Heracross
- Burmy / Mothim
- Combee / Vespiquen
- Cherubi / Cherrim x2
- Carnivine
- Leafeon Ex (rainbow uncommon)
- Houndour / Houndoom (full artwork)
- Heatran
- Marill (full artwork) / Azumarill
- Barboach / Whiscash
- Snorunt / Froslass
- Snover / Abomasnow
- Glaceon Ex (rainbow uncommon)
- Origin Forme Palkia
- Phione
- Pikachu / Raichu
- Electrike / Manectric
- Clefairy / Clefable
- Gastly / Haunter / Gengar
- Uknown (full artwork)
- Rotom
- Sudowoodo (full artwork)
- Phanpy / Donphan
- Lavitar / Pupitar / Tyranitar
- Nosepass / Probopass Ex (rainbow uncommon)
- Meditite / Medicham
- Gible / Gabite / Garchomp Ex (rainbow uncommon)
- Zubat / Golbat / Crobat
- Croagunk / Toxicroak
- Magnemite (full artwork) / Magneton / Magnezone
- Mawile
- Bronzor / Bronzong
- Origin Forme Dialga
- Giratina
- Eevee
- Snorlax
- Hoothoot / Noctowl
- Starly / Staravia / Staraptor
- Shaymin (full artwork)
- Arceus / Arceus Ex (immersive)
- Irida
- Celestic City Elder
- Barry
- Adaman
Pokémon TCG Pocket is offered at no cost on iOS and Android.