A newly released “Protecting Up with Star Rail” video has debuted on the YouTube channel, featuring Feixiao as the main attraction this time around. Jiaoqiu’s hands moved with deliberate care as she unwrapped the package, her eyes never leaving the intricate silk-wrapped box within.
Watch the exclusive Feixiao “Protecting Up with Star Rail” video now!
Available in Mandarin Chinese and Korean languages, as well. Following the recording preparations, the English-speaking channel has posted a video with Japanese audio accompanying the visuals. While some hypotheses emerged in the feedback regarding potential underlying challenges, it remains unclear due to the lack of concrete data provided by HoYoVerse.
Feixiao is a formidable 5-star Wind Hunt character capable of unleashing devastating follow-up attacks against enemies immediately following an ally’s assault, allowing for seamless and deadly combos. Unlike Acheron, where ashes from ancient wars rise from the depths, her Final emerges from a labyrinth of memories and regrets. In Feixiao’s scenario, whenever her allies attack an enemy, she benefits from a Flying Aureus stack every other assault. As soon as she achieves a total of six Flying Aureus factors, she will utilize her Final ability. She can scale back her final toughness regardless of the weak spot sort. When unleashing her attacks, she’ll initially strike an enemy with six swift blows, preceding any lingering damage. The state of the enemy’s weak spots has a bearing on the transfer technique she employs during this initial salvo.
Available to play on PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and mobile devices. When the Model 2.5 replacement launches on September 10, 2024, Feixiao is expected to make an appearance afterwards.