As the investigation concludes, the Utsugi Detective Company delves into the enigmatic case of Emio, the Smiling Man, uncovering a complex narrative that draws them in. Despite anticipation building, Nintendo is offering a taste of what’s to come with the release of a complimentary demo, available starting August 19th at 6:00 PM Pacific Time.
The demo will encapsulate the inaugural prologue and initial chapter of the game, but this won’t represent the complete scope, as the developer has also planned for additional chapters to be integrated into future updates. Chapters 2 and 3 are scheduled for release on August 22nd and 27th, respectively. Any progress made during the demo will seamlessly transfer to the full game at launch.
The new 2D adventure game, titled “Eternity: The Last Kingdom,” will be available for purchase on the Nintendo Switch on August 29th, priced at $49.99. It recounts the tale of Emio, whose predilection for donning a paper bag adorned with an unsettling grin is eerily juxtaposed with his gruesome modus operandi: slaying weeping females. The trailer teases pivotal moments from the narrative, including parallels to historical events that unfolded decades ago, while also revealing the investigative gameplay mechanics that encourage players to scrutinize their environment for crucial hints. Test it out under.