Bandai Namco announced a phenomenal start for its new model series, boasting sales of over three million units globally within the first 24 hours of its release. The 3D environment fighter, a highly anticipated title, successfully launched on October 11th for Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and PC, with an impressive milestone achieved: a peak of 122,000 concurrent players on Steam, solidifying its position in the gaming community.
According to Bandai Namco President and CEO Nao Ugagawa, speaking at a press conference, “We believe that these results were achieved through targeted marketing efforts tailored to the unique trends and preferences of each region, thereby attracting a broader audience than ever before.”
The company’s global presence enables it to offer a highway touring experience across North America, while also participating in international sporting events in Europe, South America, and Asia through collaborations with its overseas offices located in over 30 countries and regions. We envision that these outcomes represent the natural byproduct of our concerted efforts to expand our appeal and attract a more diverse audience than we’ve ever managed before.
In its debut iteration, the highly anticipated ? (also referred to as ? in Japanese) premieres a flagship team, boasting an impressive array of 182 characters. Additionally introduced are two novel game modes: Episode Battle, which enables players to experience the narrative through the perspectives of eight unique characters, and Custom Battle, allowing users to craft and share personalized scenarios.
Our assessment of this sport has earned a rating of 8 out of 10. The upcoming season crossover is expected to bring together an exciting array of new characters, including those from Gamma 1 and a few surprises. Stay tuned for further announcements and updates on this developing story.