Fans have been eagerly anticipating insights into the sport’s future developments. The culmination of the acclaimed Mild and Darkness series, enlargement was warmly welcomed by devoted fans who had meticulously absorbed every detail of its richly textured narrative. The studio underwent a significant restructuring, resulting in the elimination of 225 positions and the realignment of over 200 employees to other Sony-based studios, marking a major shift within the organization.
To celebrate the 10-year milestone of the Destiny franchise, Bungie has unveiled a strategic roadmap called Codename: Frontiers, offering a glimpse into the company’s vision for its future direction. Two to three medium-sized expansions occur annually. By mid-summer of 2025, Bungie plans to release the Codename: Apollo expansion, followed by the highly anticipated Codename: Behemoth expansion in winter. Four additional major updates offering complimentary content are scheduled annually, in parallel with expansions.
The expansions will bring forth fresh narratives, uncharted territories, quests, and challenging raids and dungeons for players to engage with. Seasonal updates can introduce highly focused enhancements to the gameplay experience, bringing fresh opportunities and injecting modern flair into in-game activities. Tyson Green, the game’s director, notes that expansions have started to feel formulaic and conclude all too quickly, leaving players with limited replay value. A seasoned developer at Future assumed the role after Joe Blackburn’s departure from the studio before the company’s launch.
While seasons and episodes continue to evolve for the better, they still occasionally leave viewers feeling like they’re just following a predictable script. We’re currently developing unconventional campaign structures, such as non-linear narratives and exploration-based gameplay inspired by titles like Metroidvanias and Metroidvania-like experiences, alongside less common genres like roguelikes and survival shooters that offer a fresh take on the traditional storytelling approach. Every expansion presents a fresh opportunity to try something entirely anew.

To address concerns that Destiny 2’s current scope may be overwhelming players, Bungie plans to refine its core gameplay mechanics. Bungie may be revamping the sport’s exercise UI, known as the Director, to help players identify the activities they enjoy or provide the rewards they’re seeking. Significant updates are planned for the Problem Customization system, where rewards will now seamlessly scale and advance in tandem with the problems themselves?
The conclusion of the Mild and Darkness Saga does not signify a cessation of multi-year endeavors. Alison Lührs, narrative director for the game series, has revealed some exciting details about the upcoming story content. “We’re thrilled with the satisfying conclusion we crafted for the Mild and Darkness Saga.” The writer notes that the forthcoming episodes will serve as a narrative resolution, concluding the storyline’s lingering plotlines while also laying groundwork for future developments.
As Codename: Apollo unfolds, the main saga will revolve around a pivotal point, with Lührs tactfully withholding details to preserve the surprise; however, she does hint at “a nonlinear character-driven journey” introducing numerous new characters, factions, twists, and more, potentially venturing beyond Sol System’s boundaries in Frontiers.
The company’s forthcoming content may feature innovative and untested concepts. According to Lührs, “The future thrives when it’s shrouded in mystery, unconventional, and fearless in tackling novel challenges.” It seems Bungie is shedding unwelcome aspects of its online shooter that had grown tiresome to fans, opting instead for innovative formats and genres. While the outcome of these trials remains uncertain, the company’s commitment to producing additional storylines seems inconsequential in light of the conclusion reached and subsequent layoffs.