The Mission: Impossible franchise’s latest installment, titled “The Closing Reckoning,” has sparked excitement among fans with its electrifying second trailer. This sequel, which is no longer part of the previously announced “Half 2” series, promises to bring an unforgettable cinematic experience to the big screen.
Since the delay of Mission Impossible 8 in October, we’ve known that a change to the franchise’s nomenclature was possible, specifically ditching the Useless Reckoning Half 2 subtitle for something entirely new – though no one knew what that would be at the time? Twelve months and a few changes on, we finally know, as the primary trailer confirms, that the movie’s subtitle is now “The Closing Reckoning”, with clarity provided by the fact it remains part of the Dead Reckoning series, specifically being the second installment after what was previously technically referred to as Dead Reckoning: Half 1. Despite being a 30-year-old franchise, a new Mission: Impossible film is virtually guaranteed to generate significant profits, thanks to the enduring popularity of the original.
The brand-new trailer, available above, sets up numerous high-stakes dramatic moments, featuring Tom Cruise sprinting through action-packed sequences at top speed. A standout scene features him flying in a biplane, while another has him perilously dangling upside down from it, a stunt that likely drew on his long history with the franchise.
Alongside Tom Cruise, you may also get to see a robust ensemble cast, featuring Esai Morales, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames, Hayley Atwell, Vanessa Kirby, Pom Klementieff, Shea Whigham, Henry Czerny, Greg Davis, Mariela Garriga, and Indira Varma. With Christopher McQuarrie at the helm once more, a sense of familiarity and cohesion is likely to ensue, thanks to his return as both director and co-writer.
The decision to rebrand the film may have been driven by the desire to distance itself from its predecessor, potentially duping audiences into thinking they don’t need to revisit the original – though this is merely speculation. As speculation suggests, this could mark Tom Cruise’s final appearance as Ethan Hunt, fittingly so given the franchise’s “Closing Reckoning” narrative thread. In the interim, we won’t receive a definitive response, so you can momentarily revisit the trailer or engage in a brief retrospective viewing of other films. You’re not my mother, are you?