With a reputation built on culling together iconic characters from various horror properties, Mortal Kombat has consistently delivered unexpected yet thrilling crossover experiences. Its latest acquisition, however, diverges from the horror genre’s familiar terrain, injecting a fresh dynamic into the series. The iconic Lara Croft franchise now boasts the esteemed adventurer’s presence.
She becomes the latest playable Survivor character in the multiplayer horror title, bringing with her a unique set of skills that don’t rely on the typical weaponry fans are accustomed to. Instead, she’s equipped with three fresh Perks that showcase her signature abilities as an acrobatic archaeologist, further expanding the game’s roster of playable characters.
Additionally, Behaviour Interactive has announced the introduction of a limited-time 2v8 mode and cross-progression capabilities. Discover more about this topic by clicking here.
The company has also announced the release date for The Pathless, a critically acclaimed single-player horror adventure game set in the Dark Pictures universe, developed by the renowned studio Supermassive Games.