Pearl Abyss’s highly anticipated game, following a groundbreaking gameplay trailer released last year, is set to make its debut at Gamescom. From August 21st to 25th, attendees can access a playable demo at the developer’s booth in the Koelnmesse Exhibition Centre between 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM CEST. The upcoming demo was further detailed in a fresh press release, which specified what players could expect to experience.
Engaging in combat against multiple foes, players initially take on the role of Kliff, delving deeper into his persona while also learning more about the enigmatic Greyman mercenaries. Gamers familiarise themselves with combat dynamics, weapons (including the sword, shield, and bow), and abilities before embarking on a journey to a mysterious space. There, they’ll face off against one of four formidable bosses, each boasting distinct designs, attack patterns, velocities, and mechanisms that require unique strategies to overcome.
Pearl Abyss has declined to provide further details regarding a specific release date or confirmation on whether the demo will be available to the public, leaving many questions unanswered. The new Starfield game is reportedly in development for consoles and PC, with a predicted release window targeting the next fiscal year 2025. Stay tuned for additional details and possible new gameplay trailers as Gamescom approaches.